The City of Petersburg Council acts as the legislative branch of our government, as well as its policy-making body. The Council looks to the city's goals, major projects and infrastructure improvements ranging from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning. The Council's goal is to do the very best to represent their constituents after they've seen to the needs of the city as a whole.
The Petersburg City Council consists of a Mayor and six Council Members, all non-partisan and elected for 4-year terms. The Mayor with approval of the Council appoints the City Attorney, and Department Supervisors. City Council elections coincide with the Statewide Consolidation Election held in April of odd numbered years.
City Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, with an open session commencing at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the Petersburg City Council Chambers located at City Hall.
Your local Alderman would be glad to hear from you.
Refer to the map below when contacting your Alderman.
Contact Info
Tia Baugher
Alderman Ward 1
(217) 741-7414
Neil Conklin
Aldeman Ward 1
Andrew Gain
Alderman Ward 2
(217) 691-1391
Mike Allison
Alderman Ward 2
(217) 737-8969
Bruce Gorman
Alderman Ward 3
(309) 740-8368
Rick Sonnemaker
Alderman Ward 3
(217) 899-9122

Ward Map